
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Candlestick Maker

There is just something about these past few weeks that have me in a funk. And I'm not talkin' a groovy disco funky town funk. Its more of a "no motivation to do anything, not even CRAFTS and definitely not homework" funk. I'm not entirely sure where it's coming from, or what to do about it. Perhaps it's a January thing? I hope I can shake it soon. Anyone else out there feeling it?

The funky fog has broken a few times, usually thanks to Cory. Also, it should be said that he usually has no idea when he's done something that makes my day. For example...

About two months ago I told my Mom I was looking for an old wooden chair to use as a nightstand for Cory's side of the bed. She just happened to have the perfect chair. She brought it down and we had fun shopping the house for just the perfect junk to put on top of it. We decided that a few old books, a clock, and a little candlestick would add the perfect charm. 

Cory has his own ideas about charm. This is what he's done with the arrangement:

Nailed it.

I knew that table top was missing something, I just couldn't put my finger on it.

P.S. I thought about going on to explain that this picture is the perfect metaphor for our relationship, but decided against the philosophical post about my marriage. Maybe next time?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Magic Carpet Ride.

First, I'd like to thank everyone so, so much for helping me with my little...situation last week. It was a tough call.  The votes are in, and it was a little surprising. The most controversial by far was our Love Birds. Definitely  a statement piece. I loved them all (hence the need for your help) but with all of your feedback I was finally able to choose one:

Orangey Goodness will not only incorporate the grayish blue we painted the "entertainment center", but adds some muted yet bright colors. was ten dollars cheaper than the other two. And someone wrote a review about the red on the paisley one running and fading into the white parts of the rug. So, with the clearance price, and a 10% coupon code, the five foot diameter rug cost me $17.99. The dining room table gets to live another day as is. Unless I hate the rug when it gets here. Then I'm sending it back, and the table is gettin' it good. 

Also, for those who were wondering, all three rugs were on clearance at Urban Outfitters. And they're all still there.

Also, because I like playing with our new camera and like to impress you with how good a wifey I am, here's an awesome breakfast I slaved over for Cory while he did a lab report or circuit homework or some other hard thing on Saturday morning.

What can I say? I'm a giver.
In the spirit of eating better (Pop tarts aside--those are really just for Cory), I've been buying a lot more fruits and veggies lately. Sometimes this confuses Cory. Today when we were deciding what to have for dinner, he requested chicken, baked potatoes,  fried okra, and those green sticks.

Green sticks? Ohhhhh....

I love me some green sticks. Also, see that bunch of Broccoli?? It's a whole new world.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

So, here's the thing...

I need help. Feedback. Advice. It can be anonymous. I don't care.

In my quest to incorporate more color into the living room, I've found three rugs. They are all circlular, 5 feet in diameter, and less than $30.00. I like them all, and think any of them would work just fine for the corner I have in mind.

So, here they are:


Orangey Goodness

Pretty Paisleys
Cory said, "Just get whatever one you want, if you want it that bad."

So, which should I go for? They're all on clearance, so I'm feeling some pressure to decide quickly...and that's never been one of my strong points. 

Or should I just chuck the rug idea and paint the kitchen table white? With fun colored chairs, and a bold pattern on the seat cushions....

(Or quit messing around and just write one of the four papers I have due on Thursday....)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Drama Queen

So, sometimes I have a tendency to over react, blow things out of proportion, cry, and be, as Cory so lovingly terms it, dramatic.  I like to think that dramatic situations find me, and my reaction is appropriate to the situation.

But anyway, the other night I walked down the hall after Cory had been at his desk working on homework for a few hours. I looked down and saw some paper, wadded up on the ground. He's been throwing the pages he made mistakes on down the hall.

Is that really necessary?

I guess there's a little drama in us all.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Lovey Dovey Trashy Mush

When I see an old dirty piece of furniture in the bulk trash piles on the side of the road made of solid wood and filled up to the brim with potential....I want it.

Cory knows this, and typically does everything in his power to fight against the urges I have.

If we're in the car and see something  I shout out, "Oooo stop! I neeed that." And Cory will make a remark about the blinders he's going to make me wear every time I leave the house (Yes, blinders. Like a horse.)

(As a side note, I believe this condition is hereditary. Just ask my sister-in-law Tanya.)

I tell you this, so you can better understand the significance of what happened the yesterday.

Cory had to go to the college of engineering to work on a project, and a few seconds after he left I get a call from him.

It goes something like this:

Lindy: Hey, did you forget something?
Cory: No, I just wanted to tell you there is a big pile of trash down the street.
Lindy: Oh really? Where?
Cory: Go outside and look to the right.
[A few moments pass while I put on my shoes and go outside]
Lindy: Ooo I see it. I'm gonna go check it out.
Cory: Kay, have fun!

HA! What a sweetie.  

And that call sure paid off! I found this little gem in with all the rubbish:

Ain't she somthing?? All that beautiful solid wood detailing. Lovely. Just lovely. I dragged that bad boy all the way home. So maybe it's a little torn up....

Okay, a lot torn up. But with some new upholstery, and a little bit of paint it'll be the PERFECT chair for my new command center/ desk in the closet. And it's all thanks to Cory, who loves and helps me, even when he doesn't understand me. Aw.

Also this is the second time in about a month that someone has called me to alert me of trash on the side of the road. Hmm...I think I'm okay with being that person.

After I got my awesome new trash, we celebrated with fuzzy socks and a Lifetime movie. Cory picked the movie. The Craigslist Killer was creepy. But my socks were warm.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

11 things for 2011

Like pretty much every one else in the world, I'm gonna set some goals for 2011. 2010 was a pretty good year for the both of us, but I see some room in there for improvement. It'll be a self centered to do list, but I think if I'm able to pull it all off it'll benefit everyone around me. So, here's 11 things to pull off in the year 2011:

1) Get organized. And then stay that way. The great closet clean outs have already begun.
My new command center--formerly known
as the junk closet.

2) Get dressed. Don't get me wrong--I'm not currently in the habit of walking around naked all the time. What I'm hoping to improve on is a daily effort to wear clothes that make me feel and look put together. Deliberately choosing outfits instead of wearing whatever I can find in 5 minutes every morning. It would also help to do my hair and makeup but...lets not get carried away. Gotta leave something for 2012, right?

I got dressed! New Years Eve.

3) Eat what I need. Not exactly a ground breaking goal, but one I really need to implement. Right now my relationship with food is a little bit too emotional. Let's take that out and eat things that my body needs to run well--- which I have a sneaking suspicion does not include a dozen cookies. 

My body needed one of these steaks my Dad grilled up for New Years.

4) Ummm...workout. 3 times a week. Let's track the success of this one by how many pairs of my skinny jeans I get to bring out from banishment under the bed.

5) Sleep. 8 hours really makes a difference. And I don't have children. This should be attainable for me.

6) Blog more. I like it, and it's pretty much the only journal I'm keeping right now. So let's blog it up. I might even up it to once a week! Ah! Here's to 52 posts in 2011.

7) How about: GRADUATE. I can almost taste it.

8) Take pictures. 

9) Kiss my niece and nephew. In person. This could also coincide with a sister's reunion? Yes? Or at the very least an awesome family vacation. 
These kids are CUTE.

10) Save some clams. I'm still working on a precise dollar amount to work towards.  Turns out, I AM the one that spends most of our money. He pays the bills that he's in charge of, buys gas and...then doesn't spend anything else. So saving it really comes down to me. I actually feel pretty good about where I am, but I can do better. Couponing here I come, and Marshall's--I love you, but we can't see each other any more. Wants and needs: not the same thing.

11) Read. I love reading. Daily scripture study and some fluff too. I don't think I read more than 4 books for fun last year--and I can't even remember what they were. If you've read any amazing books, let me know. I'm now officially taking suggestions.

So, there's the list. 11 things that will make me a better, happier person. None of them are especially revolutionary. Oh well. It's what I need.

Also: Happy 6 month wedding anniversary! We're on a roll :)