
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

We put the "Labor" in Labor Day

My parents were in town for Labor Day weekend. Although they live in North Carolina most of the time, their beauuutiful house in Marianna hasn't sold, so they stop from time to time. 

I love going to visit them.

There's no internet/cable at their house, so I was going to write a post about "unplugging" and "relaxing" for a weekend. But, that post never happened. Mostly because hanging out with my parents is not exactly relaxing. I love it, but I think you have to grow up with it to really appreciate the types of entertainment we enjoy.

I arrived pretty late Friday night (sans Cory. Cory can't "unplug" when mountains of online homework beckon. He made his appearance on Sunday) 

My parents had been driving all day long, and you'd expect to find them tired. Not so. 

When I walk up to the house I hear the gentle hum of machinery coming from the garage. Dads busy.

Then, my mom is in the kitchen juicing a million weird grapes, while simultaneously tearing apart my newest trashy treasures in preparation for our weekend reupholstery project. 

Friday night thrills, yes? Yes.

11 quarts of weird grape juice. Almost FOUR gallons. She's good. Very good.
Bright and early Saturday morning (I "slept in." I was up by 7:00 AM.) my mom and I drag our little chair project out to the garage.

My Dad tsks and shakes his head. Endearingly, I'm sure. "You've always got a project going, dontcha Ruthie? Can't just leave it alone? Tsk."

This, from the man who spent all night and morning underneath the lawnmower.

You can be the pot, Dad. Mom can be the kettle.

And me? I'll be that nearby acorn, thank you very much.

New blog header, maybe?


  1. your pictures are amazing. raw talent. and i miss your mom.

  2. Those chairs are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Haha, I love your family! :) I think I need to come spend a week with your mama so she can teach me how to can! It's lost on me!

  4. I so need a weekend to relax, but I feel like we are always going to Marianna for the weekend. And we both know it's not so relaxing... And this weekend I have to help my mom move. Blah.

  5. I kinda know what you mean. My dad is in the same situation with our home in Naples so when he's there it's ALL about cleaning and doing projects. But we do find time to hit the beach. =) I agree, those chairs are amazing!

  6. Your parents are good ones.

    Also, I want to see the finished chairs.

    I kept laughing at "weird grapes" and "weird grape juice."

  7. Kristen: Thanks! I love my precious camera. It does all the work. My mom missed you too.

    Meagan: I know, right?? Can you believe someone would throw those away??

    Holly: She's a canning machine. I should learn more from her!

    Tanya: You simply MUST have a relaxing weekend SOON. You'll go crazy without one. And nobody wants you to go crazy.

    Kendal:I'm jealous that you get to hit the beach.

    Becca: Okay. Weird grapes are really scuppernongs. But you see what I mean?
