
Thursday, September 6, 2012

J&T Maternity Shoot

Jesse is my older brother. We're about two years apart. He teased me mercilessly growing up, and in return I was tattling little brat. Somehow, through it all, he became one of my best friends (I can't speak for him, but I'm pretty sure he likes me too.)

 I met Tanya shortly after moving to Tallahassee. When I met her one of my first thoughts was, "Jesse would like her." We were room mates for a few months, and I told her several times "You should be friends with my brother."

 I'm not going to say I got them together they're having a baby. You do the math.

I totally called it. ;)

Anyway, they let me practice my amateur photography on them for a little maternity photo shoot last weekend. It was so much fun (for me, at least.). Here are a few of my favorite shots:

I can't wait to meet my newest little nephew in November. Hurry up Nathaniel Spencer! Auntie Lindy wants to love you! (Who could resist that siren call?)

Check out Tanya's blog for a few more of the millions of pictures that we took (click here).


  1. OH MY GOSH these are seriously amazing!! You're skills are getting so good. I love the lighting, it looks so soft and vintagey. Great job!

  2. wow Lindy the styling skills are in photo mode. It always help to have great models :). The first and last are my favorites, in case you're keeping tally :). Beautiful!

  3. Fun! Good job on the photos... and it's also a plus to have great subjects too.

  4. You have quite the instincts. I promise I'll never doubt you. haha
    Also, these are the best pictures in the history of the world.

  5. These are amazing Lindy! When are you opening your own photography business?? :)

  6. Ooooh, I love the Converse picture!!! So adorable. Or, as my sisters would say, "adorbs."
