
Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Big Two-Five

We celebrated Cory's 25th birthday this week. (We do "Birthday Weeks" with each ends up being mostly an excuse to get out of things we don't want to do (take out the trash) or get away with things we really do want to do (Ice cream for dinner!!). Who can argue with "'s my birthday week!")

Anyway, I've learned to keep it low key with Cory. He really, truly doesn't need/appreciate hoopla.

Our first birthday outing was the Greek Foods festival with our friends Danny and Joanna. Perhaps we should have made more hoopla on this one, because he didn't realize that was "for his birthday." Either way, good times were had all around. We listened to music, ate gyros, seasoned fries, and Greek salad. And touched so. many. people. Seriously. That place was packed.

After Sunday dinner, we sang happy birthday and ate dessert (Chocolate Delight--an Allen family favorite. Flaky pastry crust, with layers of cream cheese, chocolate pudding and whipped topping. It truly is delightful. Recipe to come soon!) with Cory's family. And everyone was happy.
I woke up a little earlier than usual Tuesday morning (his actual birthday morn!) and set out surprise donuts, and other assorted treats. And, for an extra special touch of sentimentality, wrote 25 things I love about Cory on a chalkboard. I even did a quick celebratory tidy up of the apartment that morning for him. What's better than waking up to a semi-tidy house? Nothing comes to mind.

That night, we had Cory's favorite meal for dinner: Steak, roasted asparagus, baked potatoes, green salad, and rolls. I even got all fancy and sauteed mushrooms to place ever so gently on top of the steak. I'm pretty baller.

We had a quick intermission while I went to some planning meetings at church, and Cory did some homework. But, when I got home, we lit the cookie cake on fire and  ate 1/4 of that  delicious circle of chocolate chip goodness all by ourselves.

 If you want some cookie cake, come to our house asap. Else we'll have to eat it all up ourselves. And that just can't be good for anybody.

Another great year, my dear. Here's to many, many more!


  1. H-birth to Cor-All (snicker) from B-Froe. Even though we haven't met, we both love that Lindy.

    And your chalkboard is so so so CUTE.

    I don't want to go any place that crowded, no matter how good the food is. People, don't touch me.

  2. A post, A POST!! I'm so excited. You made Cory's bday week absolutely fantabulous!

    Love you.

  3. So fun! I want some cookie cake! I'll even let you hold your nephew... haha

  4. One: I HAVE MISSED YOUR POSTS!!! Seriously for few times I thought of giving a shot out to you saying that I missed your posts.
    Two: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CORY!!! Goodness a quarter of a century... that's awesome.
    Three: I totally want to go to the Greek Festival some day... my boss told me how it started here in Tally, I'll have to tell you sometime.

  5. Becca--It was certainly a tradeoff. But man, those gyros are sooo good.

    Kourtney--I know!!! It's good to be back after my little blogging break. Love you too :)

    Tanya--That was definitely a fair trade. I would give you a million cookie cakes for some nephew time :)

    Kendal--I missed posting! And now I'm playing catchup on commenting. I was so out of it for a bit :) But I'm back now. And I can't wait to here how the Greek Foods fest started--I think its way bigger than they ever expected it to grow!
