
Friday, October 11, 2013

Amelia's 3rd and 4th Months in Review

(At 4  month check up)

  • 14 pounds 5 ounces (70% for weight)
  • 26 inches long  (90% for height)

  • 4 oz of formula every 3-4 hours
  • We called time of death on breastfeeding around 3 months. To keep a long story short, it just wasn't working. (I do feel regret about it, mostly when I'm paying for formula. That junk is pricey) 
  • At 3 months she was still snoozing most of the time, around the clock. We called her cuddles 'cause thats what she was.
  • Around 4 months she started staying awake for longer stretches of time during the day, and would go to bed for the night around 8:30. 
  • She'd sleep most of the night, sometimes waking up around 3:00 AM to eat a few ounces and then back to sleep until 6:30 or 7:00 AM. 
  •  Sister loves her naps. Nap time happens around 9ish, 12ish, 3ish, and sometimes 5ish. 
  • Size 1 diapers 
  • 3-6 month clothes
  • 6-12 month socks (Them there long skinny feet)
Tricks and Miscellaneous Skills:
  • Social smiling (at 3 months) 
  • Hysterical laughing fits (at 3.5 months. I asked her if I was cute or she was cute, and she totally lost it. That was obviously a ridiculous question.)
  • Rolling from back to stomach (at 4 months) (She'd chill on her tummy for a minute, and then realize what she'd done and promptly let us know she regretted her life choices)
  • Found her feet! (At 4 months she discovered them and thought they were great. One day I put some little owl shoes on her, and then she stared at her feet for like, 15 minutes)
  • She cries when middle aged white men talk to her...I don't even know. It started with Grandpa Allen on his BIRTHDAY. Happy B-day Gramps. I will now cry hysterically. Its the strangest thing. Hopefully she grows out of this soon 'cause its pretty sad.
  • Supported sitting
  • Loves to stand on your lap (with lots of help)


  1. I love that lip thing she does. So cute! I need to see her soon. It's been forever!

  2. yay! an update! i love that little girl! she is just the cutest and growing so fast!
