And, although this post really is about how happy we are that Uncle Brendon is back, it would seem that a lot of the pictures are of Amelia...I promise it's really about Brendon...really. She's just the only one that can't run away from the camera yet.
After Brendon got released we came home for Christmas dinner (his requested homecoming meal, ham, potatoes, squash casserole, the whole deal). The we hooked his camera up to the TV and he showed us videos and pictures from his mission.
Brendon gave his homecoming talk this Sunday, so family drove in from Jacksonville to hear it. You could tell from his talk how much he loved his mission and the people there. After lunch we met up to eat lunch and to pass Amelia around for kisses and loves.
We're so happy to have Brendon back for the summer. He'll go back down to Gainesville for school in August, so his vacation will be short lived, but I know he's ready to get back to work.
I remember when Brendon left, and I couldn't even comprehend how different life would be when he came home. I knew Cory would be done with school (that seemed totally impossible at the time...) and we would maybe even be lucky enough to have a little baby, but it all just seemed so distant. The future is now, people!